As previously discussed in my Superior Race? post, Nazi Skinhead tattooing tattooed freak - skinhead!

Skin Head Forehead Tattoo Prejudicial to Skin Head on Trial for Murder?
skinhead tattoos. Image bу mistress_f l'effetto ”psichedelico” non era
I know that tattoos are always a fun post, been awhile since we saw some.
How awesome is it that this giant skinhead tattoo looks like a sexy Tom of
Why does this Skinhead have a Star of David tattoo on the back of his neck?
tattoo skinhead! a la gente que insulta por mi log le

Cool Tribal Tattoo Ideas For Men. Cool Tribal Tattoo Ideas For Men
Skinhead Tattoo. This head will soon be as colorful as his arm.

Street Fighter Head Tattoo. By Se7en | March 24, 2009
Although Jesse Chaddock had covered some of his racist skinhead tattoos,